Skygems Observatory Network

Remote Skygems Observatories


Spain H10 3.0

PRO Observatory astrophotography

24 每小时点数

  • ASA H10 3.0 Astrograph 250mm, focal 748mm
  • ASA DDM60Pro mount
  • ASI 6200, Baader filters
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha,O3
  • 视场角: 2° 45' x 1° 52'
  • 地点: Spain
  • MPC: Z28
  • 观看: Usually around 1.3" FWHM, range: 1.0" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Down to 21.85
  • 限制高度: 15° except East (35°)

Sigma 135 Namibia


8 每小时点数

  • Samyang 135mm 135mm, focal 135mm
  • iOptron HEC27 mount
  • ASI 2400Pro MC (OSC)
  • 过滤器: OSC,Dark,ALP-T
  • 视场角: 15° 18' x 10° 11'
  • 地点: Namibia
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.5" FWHM, range: 1.1" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Down to 22 (!)
  • 限制高度: Variable between 15° and 22°

Artec 200 E


15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Artec 200 f4.6 200mm, focal 926mm
  • Skywatcher EQ6R mount
  • Playerone Poseidon-M Pro
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,S2,Ha,O3
  • 视场角: 1° 27' x 58.3'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Down to 21
  • 限制高度: Variable between 25° and 35°

Spain CDK500

PRO Observatory astrophotography photometry exoplanets

39 每小时点数

  • Planewave CDK20 500mm, focal 3450mm
  • Planewave L-500 mount mounted in a private dome mount
  • Moravian C3-61000, Baader and Chroma (narrowband) filters
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha,O3,S2
  • 视场角: 36' x 24.4'
  • 地点: Spain
  • MPC: Z28
  • 观看: Usually around 1.3" FWHM, range: 0.8" to 1.6"
  • SQM: Down to 21.85
  • 限制高度: Variable between 15° and 20°

2BSObservatory Taka Duplet


15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Twin Takahashi FSQ106 100mm, focal 530mm
  • Skywatcher EQ8 Pro mount
  • Moravian G2-8300
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,Ha
  • 视场角: 1° 57' x 1° 28'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Usually around 21
  • 限制高度: Variable between 25° and 35°

Tecnosky Newton 230


14 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Tecnosky Fast 230 F/4 230mm, focal 920mm
  • iOptron CEM 70EC mount
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha,O3,S2
  • 视场角: 1° 12' x 48.4'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC: D38
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Down to 21
  • 限制高度: Variable between 25° and 35°

FSQ106 Namibia


21 每小时点数

  • Takahashi FSQ106 ED 106mm, focal 530mm
  • ASA DDM60Pro mount
  • Moravian C3-61000, Baader filters
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha,O-III,S-II
  • 视场角: 3° 54' x 2° 38'
  • 地点: Namibia
  • MPC: L81
  • 观看: Usually around 1.5" FWHM, range: 1.1" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Down to 22 (!)
  • 限制高度: Variable between 15° and 22°

RC10 2BSObservatory


15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • CFF RC 250mm (10’’) 250mm, focal 2000mm
  • iOptron CEM120EC mount
  • Moravian G2-4000 CCD
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,Ha
  • 视场角: 26.2' x 26.2'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6”
  • SQM: Down to 21
  • 限制高度: Mostly down to 35°

Dark Matters CDK14

PRO Observatory astrophotography

40 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Planewave CDK14 355mm, focal 2563mm
  • Astro-Physics 1100-AE mount
  • HOT: Moravian C5A-100M
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,HA,OIII,SII
  • 视场角: 58.8' x 44.1'
  • 地点: United States
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.0" FWHM, range: 0.75" to 1.5"
  • SQM: Usually around 22
  • 限制高度: 30 Degrees

Tecnosky RC12

astrophotography photometry

15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Tecnosky/GSO RC300 300mm, focal 1650mm
  • iOptron Cem60 mount
  • Player One Artemis 294
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,Ha,O3,Fot_V
  • 视场角: 40' x 27.2'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC: D38
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Usually around 21 SQM
  • 限制高度: Variable between 25° and 35°

Astroale 110/580


15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Astrografo Quadrupletto Apo 100/580mm F5,8 100mm, focal 580mm
  • Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount
  • Qhy268M
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,Ha,S2,O3
  • 视场角: 2° 19' x 1° 33'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Usually around 21
  • 限制高度: Variable between 25° and 35°

Hakos iDK 20"

PRO Observatory astrophotography exoplanets

35 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • 20" AG Optical iDK 500mm, focal 3403mm
  • Planewave L-500 mount
  • FLI Proline 16803 CCD, Baader and Chroma (narrowband) filters
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha7,O3,S2
  • 视场角: 37.2' x 37.2'
  • 地点: Namibia
  • MPC: L81
  • 观看: Usually around 1.5" FWHM, range: 1.1" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Down to 22 (!)
  • 限制高度: Variable between 15° and 22°

Palantir II


30 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • GSO 303mm F4 Newtonian 303mm, focal 1382mm
  • Paramount MyT mount
  • QHY 268M
  • 过滤器: Luminance,Red,Green,Blue,Ha,OIII,SII
  • 视场角: 57.5' x 38.4'
  • 地点: Spain
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.8" FWHM, range: 1.5" to 2.6"
  • SQM: Usually around 21.7
  • 限制高度: Around 28 degrees all round

Idome Observatory


15 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Tecnosky 100Q 100mm, focal 580mm
  • EQ8-R mount
  • ZWO 2600MM
  • 过滤器: L,R,G,B,SII,Ha,OII
  • 视场角: 2° 19' x 1° 33'
  • 地点: Italy
  • MPC:
  • 观看: Usually around 1.5" FWHM, range: 1.1" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Usually from 20.70 to 21.3
  • 限制高度: the sky is free excepted west where the limit is 45°

Hakos RC360

astrophotography photometry

25 每小时点数 OpenSkygems

  • Officina Stellare Pro RC 360 360mm, focal 3040mm
  • Astro Physics GTO 1200 mount
  • FLI Proline 16803 CCD, Astrodon filters
  • 过滤器: Luminance,R,V,B,Ha,O3,S2,Blue
  • 视场角: 41.7' x 41.7'
  • 地点: Namibia
  • MPC: L81
  • 观看: Usually around 1.5" FWHM, range: 1.1" to 2.2"
  • SQM: Down to 22 (!)
  • 限制高度:

Finished image of NGC 6357, LRGB from our iDK 20" scope in Namibia
Quick test of the Swan Nebula in narrowband from our iDK 20" scope in Namibia
Light curve of LINEAR 11337303 variable star
NGC 253 taken by Chris Lin, from our iDK 20" scope in Namibia
Pelican Nebula bi M. Petrasko, M. Evenden, U. Mishra (Dream Astrograph, New Mexico)





我们的远程望远镜位于世界上一些最黑暗、最原始的地方。特别是在纳米比亚,我们每年都能欣赏到超过 300 个晴朗的夜晚,景色异常美丽。







Lukas Demetz,业余天文爱好者


月亮照明 时薪
0% 35 €
25% 31.06 €
50% 27.13 €
75% 23.19 €
100% 19.25 €


These rates apply for our 20" iDK scope in Namibia. Smaller scopes have lower rates. For dynamic scheduled requests. That means that we choose the best time to execute them. For requests starting at a fixed time we charge an additional 30%.




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Skygems Observatories Network
operated by Hotel Interski di Demetz Lukas e Co SNC
Cisles 51
39047 Santa Cristina BZ


